There didn’t seem to be anywhere online that showed this information in a convenient table, so here’s the vanilla version (i.e. not Unchained) of the Summoner class’ Eidolon evolutions. All data is from the D20pfsrd site.
See also: Common Eidolon Questions
Eidolon Evolutions by Level Requirement:
1-Point evolutions (not shown in table): You can choose any 1-point evolutions regardless of level. However, some can be taken again (stacked) at higher levels. These are shown below in the appropriate level section.
(#) – indicates that the evolution costs that number of evolution points.
(+#) – indicates that at this level, if you already have the evolution, you can spend additional points to improve it.
(#+#) – first number indicates original cost of the level 1 evolution, but you can now spend # more points to improve it to the next level.
(++) indicates that if you have the Evolution, it levels up at this point automatically (for free).
Level Reqd | Evolution |
1st Level | Ability Score Increase Level 1 (2) |
Constrict (2) | |
Channel resistance Level 1 (2) | |
Gore (2) | |
Grab (2) | |
Head (2) | |
Keen Scent (2) req Gills, Scent | |
Limbs (2) | |
Rider Bond (2) req Mount | |
Shadow Blend (2) (++ if Shadow Form) | |
Shadow Form (2) | |
Sickening (2) | |
Trample (2) req Quad or Biped | |
Trip (2) req Bite | |
Undead Appearance (2) - Level 1 | |
Weapon Training (2) Level 1 (Simple) | |
Weapon Training (2+2) Level 2 (Martial) | |
Celestial Appearance (3) Level 1 | |
Fiendish Appearance (3) Level 1 | |
Sacrifice (3) | |
4th Level | Minor Magic (2) - req base magic |
Rake (2) req Quadruped | |
5th Level | Improved Natural Armor Level 2 (1) |
Resistance (1) ++ | |
Alignment Smite (2) | |
Energy Attacks (2) | |
Flight (2+ 1 per +20 ft speed) | |
6th Level | Ability Score Increase Level 2 (2) |
Rend (2) req claws | |
7th Level | Channel resistance Level 2 (+2) |
Immunity (2) | |
Poison (2 + 2 for Con dmg, too) | |
TremorSense (2) | |
Undead Appearance (2+2 = Level 2) | |
Celestial Appearance (3+2) Level 2 | |
Fiendish Appearance (3+2) Level 2 | |
Major Magic (3) | |
Web (3) | |
8th Level | Large (4) req size Medium |
9th Level | Blindsense (3) |
Burrow (3) | |
Damage Reduction (3) | |
See in Darkness (3) | |
Swallow Whole (3) | |
Breath Weapon (4) | |
Spell Resistance (4) | |
10th Level | Alignment Smite Level 2 (+1) |
Major Magic (3+2 = Level 2) | |
11th Level | Frightful Presence (3) |
Blindsight (4) req Blindsense | |
Fast Healing (4 + 1 per addl heal/rd) | |
Ultimate Magic (4) | |
12th Level | Undead Appearance (2+2+2 = Level 3) |
Celestial Appearance (3+2+2 = Level 3 | |
Fiendish Appearance (3+2+2 = Level 3 | |
13th Level | Dimension Door (4) |
Large to Huge (4+6) *incr. Ability Score cost | |
15th Level | Incorporeal Form (4) |