Reprinted from:
- Alertness (Ioun Stone (Dark Blue Rhomboid), 10k, DMG)
- Aquatic Shot: Pearl Trident (Stormwrack)
- Blind-Fight (Corsair’s Eyepatch, 3k, MIC) “grants you the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat for 1 min.” Usable 3/day, Swift (also grants See Invisibility).
- Cleave: Rankbreaker Glaive (Arms and Equipment Guide)
- Combat Reflexes (Serpent Armour, 12k, MIC)
- Empowered Turning (Greater Holy Symbol, )
- Extra Music (Songblade, 6,400gp, CV) Only when wielded and only 1 extra bardic music/day
- Extra Slot (Pearl of Power, Lvl*Lvl*1,000, DMG)
- Extra Slot (Momento Magicka, Lvl*Lvl*1,500, MIC)
- Extra Spell (Runestaffs (various), Varies, MIC) Generally only x/day
- Extra Slot/Spell (Wands and Staffs, Varies, Everywhere) Normally 50 charges, not permanent
- Extra Stunning (Monk’s Belt, 13k, DMG) Only 1 extra stunning attack/day
- Extra Turning (Nightstick, 7,500, LM)
- Extra Turning (Reliquary Holy Symbol, 1000, MIC) Number of extra turn attempts given varies
- Extra Turning: Sword of the Glorious Pearl (Stormwrack)
- Far Shot (Helm of the Hunter (Array of the Manticore), 9k, MIC) “grants you… the benefits of the Far Shot feat”
- Far Shot (Horizon Goggles, 8k, CM)
- Great Fortitude (Belt of Endurance, 10k, A&E)
- Improved Initiative (Bracers of the Blinding Strike, 102k, MoF)
- Improved Initiative (Dragonfly Medallion, 29760 GP, A&EG p. 131)
- Improved Disarm: Quarterstaff of Battle. Disarm “…as if you have the Improved Disarm feat” (Magic of Faerun)
- Improved Trip: Staff of Mighty Sweeping (Magic of Faerun)
- Improved Unarmed Strike (Bracers of Striking, 1,310gp, MoF) Upgradable as a double weapon
- Improved Unarmed Strike (Ring of Might, 4000 GP, MoF p. 146)
- Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Natural Attack (Unarmed Strike (Fanged Ring, 10k, Dragon Magic 101) The INA only works if you’re a monk or already have a natural attack (see post 26)
- Improved Sunder (Sundering weapon enhancement, +1, MIC)
- Improved Sunder (Dragonfang Gauntlets, 8,610gp, MIC) 3 attacks/day
- Metamagic Spell Trigger (Metamagic Wandgrip, 6k, CM)
- Mobility (Mobility armor enhancement, +1, MIC)
- Mounted Combat/Ride by Attack (Battle Bridal, 9k, MIC) Only when mounted
- Precise Shot (Precise ranged weapon property, +1, MIC)
- Precise Shot: Rod of Magical Precision, 12,000gp. Complete Mage pg 128.
- Quickdraw (Eager weapon enhancement, +1, MIC)
- Quickdraw Crystal: 300g, Magic Item Compendium.
- Ride by Attack (Riding Boots, 12k, MIC) Only when mounted
- Run (Panther Mask (Gharyn’s Monastic Array), 2,700, MIC) “provides you the benefits of the Run feat”
- (Sudden) Metamagic feats (Metamagic rods, varies, DMG and MIC) 3/day, doesn’t change spell level
- Spell Penetration (Third Eye Penetrate, 8k, MIC)
- Sudden Extend (Aquamarine of Spell Extending, 3,700gp, PGtF)
- Track and Scent (Headband of Pursuit, 15k, Secrets of Sarlona)
- Track (Mask of the Tiger (Garb of the Hunting Cat), 4k, MIC) “grants you the benefits of the Track feat”
- 2WF/Improved 2WF (Gloves of the Balanced Hand, 8k, MIC)
- Weapon Prof: Bows (Bracers of Archery Lesser or Greater, 5/ or 25k, DMG)
- Up the Walls: Nimblestep (Lost Empires of Faerun).
- Whirlwind Attack (Whirling weapon enhancement, +1, MIC)