Things to have:
Chalk & Chalk Powder
Glue & Solvent
Extra sacks
Hidden daggers
Hidden material components
Hidden Thieves’ Tools
Backup weapon with different type (Blunt, Slash, Pierce) than main weapon
Backup Light Weapon
Ranged weapon (everyone should have one!)
Pre-knotted rope
Spiked Gauntlets!
Special material weapons: cold iron, silver / silversheen, adamantite
Something flammable (oil, alchemist’s fire, etc)
Multiple ropes
Grappling hook
Holy water
Healer’s Kit
Climbing Kit
Backup armor (lighter, that can be slept in, or you can swim in; preferably both)
A spare shield, even if you don’t normally use one
Something to write on / with
Things to do:
Listen at the door
Check for traps
Avoid clumping up the party (i.e. “fireball formation”)
Avoid stringing out the party more than 1-2 combat rounds move distance apart
Don’t let the scout engage first
Find cover
Make cover!
Focus Fire
Burn the dead
Know where the other party members are (combat, urban, etc)
Arrange meeting places and times
Protect the campsite (traps, chimes, guard animals…)
Protect your room in the Inn (locks, alarms, spells)
Leave backup valuables with trusted NPCs (clerics of your deity, etc)
Take notes
Make maps
Buy maps in game
Carry a dagger in your teeth when hands are busy
Hide equipment on your character’s body, and WRITE IT DOWN (that way the DM can’t accuse you of making it up on the spot!)
Tell the DM which weapon(s) you have drawn/readied. Ask the DM if you can be assumed to have a weapon in hand at all times, or not. Usually, on longer trips, people don’t carry a weapon drawn all the time (it’s very tiring!).
Things to arrange:
Default marching orders
Secret phrases or calls for assistance (e.g. whistle, crow caw, owl hoot)
Who is the party spokesman
- Who can move steathily
- Where the next meetup place is if you get separated