Written on the Planets.Nu forums by By Siggi. Re-posted and re-formatted for reference, so that it doesn’t get lost in the mush of forum posts.
Fascist Double Beam Carriers
The truth behind the hype:
After seeing a lot of people claiming that Fascist double beams were overpowered , and in fact one player quitting planets altogether because of them , I feel like sharing some hard facts about them and dispelling some myths.
A Fascist carrier is far from invincible. In fact a Fed carrier will in most cases eat them for breakfast.
To show that I compiled some statistics to show you the odds of a Fascist carrier winning battles against other carriers.
First against regular carriers and second against Feds. I did have statistics for Lizard carriers too but seem to have misplaced them , suffice it to say that my preliminary results indicated they were on somewhat even terms.
I found the results somewhat surprising and they seem to prove that Double Beams are in no way overpowered or unbalanced.
The results below are rounded up since carrier vs carrier battles can be completely unpredictable.
I gathered the data by simulating the combat around 30-50 times per carrier , wich sounds insane and probably is.
So it’s the “likeliest” result of any given battle but there really is no such thing as a guaranteed victory.
The percentage is the chance of the Fascist carrier winning the battle.
In all cases both carriers were full of fighters; keep in mind that the less fighters there are, the higher the Fascist’s win rate.
In some cases the odds of victory are 1% or 99%. Those odds mean that the carrier won or lost 100% of the time, but again, sometimes weird things happen.
Fascist Virgo:
On the left:
VS Gorbie 70% VS Biocide 60% VS Golem 65% VS Rush 75% VS Virgo 99%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 15% VS Biocide 20%* VS Golem 35% VS Rush 35% VS Virgo 90%
*Surprisingly there’s also a 15% chance of both ships blowing up. Which is pretty high in [the author’s] opinion. And it makes the win rate of the Bio only 65%.
Fascist Rush
On the left:
VS Gorbie 75% VS Biocide 65% VS Golem 80% VS Rush 80% VS Virgo 95%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 20% VS Biocide 25% VS Golem 25% VS Rush 35% VS Virgo 55%
Fascist Golem
On the left:
VS Gorbie 70% VS Biocide 60% VS Golem 70% VS Rush 90% VS Virgo 95%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 30% VS Biocide 20% VS Golem 30% VS Rush 50% VS Virgo 85%
Fascist Biocide
On the left:
VS Gorbie 85% VS Biocide 95% VS Golem 80% VS Rush 95% VS Virgo 99%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 70% VS Biocide 60% VS Golem 70% VS Rush 70% VS Virgo 99%
Fascist Gorbie
On the left:
VS Gorbie 80% VS Biocide 85% VS Golem 85% VS Rush 99% VS Virgo 99%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 35% VS Biocide 55% VS Golem 70% VS Rush 80% VS Virgo 99%
As you can see from these results Fascist carriers are indeed powerful but not overpowered. Their main advantage is a high win rate on the right side compared to regular carriers, one aspect of the left side advantage is of course that the left side shoots down more fighters. Double Beams do a nice job of offsetting that.
Fascist Carriers vs. Fed Carriers
Now a look at Fascist vs Fed carriers. Same method as before: % chance of Fascist winning . Only this time the results are a LOT different.
Fascist Virgo
On the left:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 5% VS Golem 5% VS Rush 20% VS Virgo 30%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 1% VS Golem 5% VS Rush 1% VS Virgo 15%
Fascist Rush
On the left:
VS Gorbie 15% VS Biocide 15% VS Golem % VS Rush 20% VS Virgo 30%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 1% VS Golem 5%* VS Rush 30% VS Virgo 35%
… Again with a 15% chance of both ships blowing up.
Fascist Golem
On the left:
VS Gorbie 45% VS Biocide 25% VS Golem 25% VS Rush 30% VS Virgo 55%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 5% VS Golem 20% VS Rush 10% VS Virgo 30%
Fascist Biocide
On the left:
VS Gorbie 30% VS Biocide 35% VS Golem 55% VS Rush 45% VS Virgo 70%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 1% VS Golem 15% VS Rush 5% VS Virgo 50%
Fascist Gorbie
On the left:
VS Gorbie 25% VS Biocide 25% VS Golem 50% VS Rush 50% VS Virgo 60%
On the right:
VS Gorbie 1% VS Biocide 1% VS Golem 30% VS Rush 30% VS Virgo 60%