Tips on working with allies:
- You can’t transfer cargo or fuel to cloaked allied ships, regardless of Friendly Codes
- You can “give” a starbase to an ally (via ground assault) with torps, engines, beams, and launchers. Hulls won’t transfer, though.
- Be brief – long messages take longer to read, and things get missed.
- Use ship and planet IDs when referring to any ship or planet.
- “Unload Freighters” with matching friendly codes, can save a turn when delivering minerals to an allied starbase-planet.
- “gsX” commands occur after movement, and require the receiver to have a ship with a clan on board at that location.
- It is easier for 1 player to command a fleet. Mixed fleets can be a battle-order nightmare.
- You will get much more benefit from an alliance if both players will commit to a game-long alliance – this allows you to trade ships and resources freely, and allow the race with ship-bonuses (Feds, Lizards, Fascists) to enhance the alliance’s combat capabilities. This arrangement only works in games where a permanent ally is allowed for the victory condition.
- Coordinate objectives every turn.
- Build forward-placed starbases
- Allow your allies to build one starbase in your territory.
One thing:
As far as I am concerned, GSX happens before movement.
That’s why the ‘giver’ can already set the ship’s waypoint, then GSX and the ship will arrive at the destination with ownership changed.
I’m not 100% sure myself – it’s been awhile since I’ve played. Anyone pursuing this, please check the current game state/rules before you make decisions based on this article!
With 100% certainty, ships move AFTER gsX order. If you aren’t sure, you can go to Donovan’s site. It’s all there.
Planets Nu may be different. There are some things from VGA Planets 3.x that are different at Nu, which is why I don’t play at Nu. I’m a purist, I guess.